ATM (Automated Teller Machine)

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An ATM (Automatic or Automated Teller Machine) is a computerized apparatus advised to allocate banknote to coffer barter afterwards allegation of animal interaction. The ATM can as well yield deposits, alteration money amid coffer accounts and accommodate added basal cyber banking services.

Most banks affection one or added "on premises" ATMs so that barter accept admission to casework 24 hours a day, seven canicule a week. During cyber banking hours the ATM can abate continued curve central the coffer by accouterments an another to a animal teller. Even better, the ATM continues to be accessible continued afterwards the coffer is closed. If you allegation banknote in the evening, on a anniversary or Sunday, the ATM is there to serve.

To use an ATM, the chump feeds it a bankcard, sometimes alleged a debit card. This resembles a acclaim agenda but is issued from the coffer to use with an ATM. Once the apparatus reads the alluring band on the card, it requests a claimed identification number, or PIN. The PIN provides aegis in case the agenda is absent or avalanche into the amiss hands.

Upon entering the associated PIN correctly, the chump will see a annual of choices on the ATM screen. Through touch-screen or buttons, the chump navigates through the ATM screens to complete the adapted transaction. If the chump chooses to abjure cash, the banknote is broadcast through a agriculturalist slot. If authoritative a deposit, the chump feeds the drop envelope into a drop aperture if cued by the machine. Receipts are optionally printed for the customer, but the ATM retains a almanac of all transactions. Tied into the bank's computer system, the ATM can automatically abstract withdrawals or add deposits to the customer's account(s).

Many banks do not allegation a fee to barter for application their own ATMs. However, if you abjure banknote from an ATM that does not accord to your bank, you will acceptable acquire transaction fees. ATMs commonly accept acquaint advice about non-customer fees, admitting this will not cover fees that your own coffer ability charge.

Patents for ATMs were reportedly filed as aboriginal as the 1930s, but the aboriginal absolute ATM is accustomed to Barclays Coffer of London in 1967. The latest incarnations of these now-ubiquitous machines cover Linux and Microsoft-based screens, and talking ATMs for the blind.