Sony Windows Phone Smartphone to Come in 2014

9:28 PM 0 Comments A+ a-

It seems that the negotiations between Sony and Microsoft have terminated up with success and therefore the Japanese company can so be change of integrity the list of Windows Phone hardware makers. Microsoft’s Windows Phone director Greg Sullivan has confirmed that Sony are emotional its own WP smartphone in 2014.

Better yet, the device is alleged to hit the market by the center of the year, therefore we tend to won’t even got to wait that long to examine it. The new Sony smartphone are carrying the Vaio whole, that ought to assist you tell that it’s running a unique OS from the Xperia handsets. With the restricted customization choices provided by the Microsoft partners, the Vaio smartphone are wishing on the Sony proprietary services like Music Unlimited and Video Unlimited to assist it stand move into the gang.

The news that Sony associated Microsoft have reached an agreements comes as very little surprise, only if the deal can clearly be helpful to each company. Sony has already expressed its need to feature a second platform to its smartphone lineup and Windows Phone is that the most evident alternative. Microsoft, on the opposite hand, is wanting to expand the reach of its mobile OS and a significant manufacturer like Sony will certainly facilitate. to not mention that the 2 corporations have quite the long history of partnership in each mobile (remember Windows Mobile?) and desktop platforms.

Update: Cnetnews has since backward the story, therefore we have a tendency to guess the negotiations ar still going. Hopefully it's simply a delay instead of an indication that the 2 sides cannot reach associate agreement.