MOSFET (Metal Oxide Semiconductor Field Effect Transistor)

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A MOSFET (Metal oxide Semiconductor Field effect Transistor) may be a conductor.  A MOSFET is most ordinarily employed in the sphere of power physical science.  A semiconductor is formed of factory-made material that acts neither sort of a dielectric nor a conductor. associate degree dielectric may be a natural material which will not conduct electricity, like a dry piece of wood.  A conductor may be a natural material that conducts or passes electricity.  Metals area unit the foremost common samples of conductors.  Semiconductor material from that devices sort of a MOSFET area unit created exhibit each insulation like properties and physical phenomenon like properties. most significantly, semiconductors area unit designed specified the physical phenomenon or insulation properties is controlled.

The semiconductor is probably the simplest renowned conductor.  Early transistors use a technology spoken as bi-polar material.  Pure semiconducting material is doctored or "corrupted"--a method that's spoken as "doping". it's attainable to form either p kind (positive) material or n kind (negative) material relying upon material wont to "dope" or corrupt the pure semiconducting material.  If you mix p kind material and n kind material, you've got a bipolar device.  The semiconductor may be a basic example of a bipolar device.  The semiconductor has 3 terminals, the collector, the electrode, and also the base. this within the base terminal is employed to manage the flow of current between the electrode and also the collector.  

MOSFET technology is associate degree sweetening on bipolar technology. each n and p kind material area unit still used however metal compound insulators area unit another to produce some performance enhancements.  There area unit still usually solely 3 terminals however they currently have the subsequent names, the source, the drain, and also the gate. the sphere result portion of the name refers to the strategy wont to management the negatron or current flow through the device. this is proportional to the electrical field developed between the gate and also the drain.

One different terribly important sweetening over bipolar technology is that a MOSFET includes a positive temperature co-efficient. this suggests that because the temperature of the device will increase its tendency to conduct current decreases.  This feature permits the designer to simply use it in parallel to extend the system's capability.  A bipolar unthaw has the alternative result.With MOSFET technology, devices in parallel can naturally share current between them.  If one device tries to conduct quite its share {it can|it'll} heat up and also the tendency to conduct current will decrease inflicting this through the device to decrease till all devices area unit once more sharing equally.Bipolar devices in parallel, on the opposite hand, increase in temperature if one device starts to conduct additional current. this suggests additional current can switch to the present device which can end in an extra increase in temperature, and an extra increase in current. this can be a runaway condition that quickly destroys the device.  For this reason it's rather more tough to attach bipolar devices in parallel and also the reason MOSFET devices area unit currently the foremost standard power semiconductor kind semiconductor.