Firewire to USB Adapter

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               Firewire (IEEE 1394) and USB (Universal Serial Bus) are two abstracted accelerated bus technologies that acquiesce assorted accessories to be affiliated to a computer. The two technologies are not integrated, and it is not accessible to affix a USB accessory to a Firewire anchorage either directly. A Firewire to USB adapter cable for appointment agenda video (DV) is accessible from at atomic one manufacturer, but it can be big-ticket and difficult to find.

Even if you don't accept a Firewire to USB adapter cable, it doesn't beggarly that your Firewire accessories are abortive if you accept a USB port, or carnality versa. Several companies do accommodate bifold hubs. This blazon of accessory has two ports in a individual hub, which may be either alien or internal; one anchorage is acclimated Firewire and one for USB, acceptance either blazon of accessory to function. The aggregate hub is in fact two abstracted ports accumulated into a individual anatomy agency for convenience; there is no about-face amid Firewire and USB demography abode if you use one of these hubs.

Another another is artlessly to add two abstracted cards, bold your computer has abundant accessible slots. Firewire and USB cards are both advancing down in price, and abacus whichever one is missing should not represent a above expense.

Both Firewire and USB are efficient, accelerated bus standards. A Firewire hub can abutment a abstracts alteration amount of up to either 400Mbps or 800Mbps, depending on the standard, and a individual Firewire anchorage can affix up to 63 accessories and bear a affirmed amount of acceleration to anniversary one. Firewire is generally acclimated for accessories that crave real-time operation such as audio and video systems because of this guarantee, and it is aswell acclimated frequently in accumulator breadth networks.

USB can affix added accessories (up to 127), but supports abstracts alteration ante of alone up to 12Mbps. It is added generally acclimated for accepted peripherals, such as mice, modems, and keyboards. The USB 2.0 accepted supports speeds of up to 480Mbps, which makes it added aggressive with Firewire. On 17 November 2008, USB 3.0 blueprint were released, with a alteration amount 10 times that of USB 2.0; customer accessories that use this accepted were accepted to be accessible by 2010.

If you cannot acquirement a Firewire to USB adapter, application a hub allows you to use accessories that are accordant with either technology. Both technologies abutment Plug-and-Play and hot-plugging (hot-swappable).