What? No One Time Offer?

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If this was your average, run of the mill, get rich quick E book, this would be the page where you
would get the “One Time Offer.” After spending $97 for a worthless piece of crap, the E book
author would use this page to try to up sell you to another worthless piece of crap for even more
money. He’ll word it something like this, “This book only scratches the surface. To get the full
big picture you need to get my audio/video/live interview/etc. And you’re in luck because if you
order it right now you can have it for just $997! A $5,000 savings on the regular price! But you
must act now because this is a one time offer!”
You will not find any up selling or one time offers in this E book because this is not a get rich
quick E book. I don’t make my money by selling PDF files. I make my money on the Internet
with real websites. I am not a get rich quick guru and I don’t want to be associated with them.
This is why my E book is free. Not only is this book free, but you’re free to make copies of it and
pass it on to anyone you like. Just don’t alter the content in any way!
This E book is a compilation of updated blog posts found on my blog, John Chow dot Com. I get
emails everyday asking questions that my blog had already answered. This E Book lets me
answer those already asked questions plus give you a ton of tips to make money online.
While I can sell this book and make money on it, I have a more evil plan. I am using this book as
a promotional tool. This E book will spread all over the Net and it links back to my blog. If you
like what you read, chances are you will visit my blog. I make money by blogging, not by selling
E Books. Enjoy the book and check out John Chow dot Com for the latest updates.